Dr Amit Saoji | Orthopedic Surgeon In Nagpur | Orthopedic Doctor in Nagpur

Dr. Amit Saoji – Best Arthroscopy Surgeon, ACL Surgery, Sports Medicine, Knee & Shoulder Surgeon, Best Orthopedics In Nagpur
ACL surgery with internal bracing – A game changing procedure.

ACL surgery with internal bracing – A game changing procedure

Internal bracing is the augmentation of a graft with high strength suture tape, which reinforces the graft and acts as a secondary stabiliser. (Hybrid graft) That’s because it is a better option over other Traditional ACL Treatments.

Anyone who needs ligament reconstruction or repair surgery should opt for internal bracing in ACL Surgery. Here are some key points to consider: 

  • Not just sportspeople can benefit from internal bracing in ACL surgery. Anyone who needs the procedure can opt for this approach and get back to their activities safely, whether playing sports,  doing a rigorous physical job, or playing with kids. 
  • There are no risks outside the general surgery risks associated with internal bracing. The main benefits are improved stability and faster recovery time—crucial factors for your overall health and well-being! 
  • Improves outcomes: Internal bracing can help improve outcomes for both chronic and acute ACL injuries, regardless of how serious the injury is. 
  • Accelerated recovery: Internal bracing can help speed up recovery. 
  • Reduced risk of re-injury: Internal bracing can help reduce the risk of re-injury. 
  • Safe and biocompatible: Internal bracing is considered safe and biocompatible for properly indicated patients

We have highly qualified and experienced surgeons who can guide you about the procedure, its benefits, and post-op care.

Are you looking for the best ACL SURGERY IN NAGPUR? Look no further than ORTHOSPORTSCARE AT MY HEALTH MULTISPECALITY CLINIC, NAGPUR! Speak with an expert or book an appointment.

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